What Is Fitness?

What is Fitness to You?


This all depends on who you ask. Fitness can mean a wide variety of things to different people. Whether it’s the ability to run 3 miles or do 100 push-ups, fitness has a personal meaning to everyone. 


So, let’s change the question. What does fitness mean to you? 


By defining what fitness is to you, you are taking the first step into your fitness journey. Fitness doesn’t only have to be achieved in the gym. Home workouts have proven to be the optimal way to get in shape for those of us who can’t get to the gym. If you travel for work or simply don’t like the idea of crowded gyms.


 What is Fitness to You?


Gym memberships can be costly. 

If you’re someone who can’t make it to the gym at least 4 days out of the week, then gym membership can really prove to be a waste of money. We understand going to the gym has always been the traditional way of obtaining one's desired physique. But, what if you could sculpt your body, save time, and save money simultaneously? 


One of the best reasons to leave the gym and workout at home is convenience. At home workouts can be done at any time of the day or night. All you need is a little bit of space! Not all gyms are open 24 hours a day for individuals who need a flexible schedule. In the comfort of your home you can wear whatever you want. The ability to wear what you want and workout when you want is the ultimate freedom! 


 What is Fitness to You?

Take control of your health and understand the importance of home workouts. Give yourself the gift of freedom and optimize your life. 

Change your mindset so you can live Sygnature! 


-Sygnature Team 

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